Amazon Alexa - Healthcare Voice Interaction Focus
Developing the conversational experience between a physician and Alexa while complying with the laws of HIPAA. As Amazon matures Alexa and the developer console, the experience of Alexa may also change. Therefore, it was important during our Research & Development exploration is to understand the conversation. What is it that could help a physician while they are multitasking during their everyday routine workflow.
This was an excellent opportunity for me to put on my developer’s hat to understand the process of creating a conversation. How many utterances does it take to start that conversation?
Understanding the backend set up
Understanding the front end setup that helps drives the user’s conversation with booleans, utterances and eventually allowing Alexa to show content on the user’s screen visually. My fellow designer and inspirational colleague, Sjur Sundin has a beautiful tutorial on Alexa Voice to Screen.
All in all, this is what I do in my free time, play with Alexa Voice UX, Explore AWS IOT and Sumerian VR. Stay tuned for more projects exploration.