Interpreta + Higi Implementation

Interpreta + Higi Implementation

Background on HIGI Health Stations

 HIGI Health Stations are portable health monitoring systems (blood pressure, body mass index etc.) placed in pharmacies that collect patient biometric data outside of the hospital settling. I had the fun opportunity to collaborate with HIGI Health Station through my position at Interpreta.


The goal was to capture the data from HIGI Health Stations and sync them to the Interpreta platform for the physicians to view.


We designed a way for doctors to view the top risk score of patients that need monitoring on a regular basis. I led this design effort with the R&D engineer. We researched the work processes with the physicians and developed the flow designs of the interactions to retrieve data from HIGI Device Station into our platform. We integrated critical factors of synchronizing time stamps between the two platforms, and created score indicators for low, average, and high needs to help guide physicians to follow-up with their patients.

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